For the most updated, daily case number, and information pertaining to Thurston County’s response to COVID-19, visit the PHSS COVID-19 page.
How to Get Vaccinated
- Washington State’s Phase Finder online tool can confirm your eligibility and provide you with a list of possible vaccination locations.
- Please do not call your healthcare provider to see if they have the vaccine. Healthcare provider phone systems are being inundated with calls about the vaccine availability and this is making it difficult for them to triage emergent patient calls. We encourage you to check your healthcare provider’s website for information about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Who is Eligible for the Vaccine Now
- Thurston County is providing the vaccine to Phase 1A and Phase 1B Tier 1. Due to the limited supply of the vaccine, not everyone will be able to access the vaccine right away. Access will improve as the supply chain widens and providers in Thurston County receive more doses.
- Phase 1A Tier 1
- High-risk workers in health care settings
- High-risk medical first responders
- Residents and staff of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other community-based, congregate living settings where most individuals over 65 years of age are receiving care, supervision, or assistance
Phase 1A Tier 2
- All workers in health care settings
- Phase 1B1 – (Tier 1)
- All people 65 years and older
- People 50 years and older who live in multigenerational households
- Cannot live independently and receives support from a relative or home caregiver, or being cared for by someone who works outside the home
- Lives with and cares for a young child, along the lines of a grandparent with a grandchild
- This group does not include an older adult who is able to live independently and is taking care of their kin/children.
Phased Plan for Vaccines in Washington
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has outlined a phased approach for COVID-19 vaccine distribution in our state based on the National Academy of Medicine Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine. Thurston County will follow the phased plan outlined by the DOH.
The Washington State COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Guidance includes:
Phase 1A Tier 1
- High-risk workers in health care settings
- High-risk medical first responders
- Residents and staff of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other community-based, congregate living settings where most individuals over 65 years of age are receiving care, supervision, or assistance
Phase 1A Tier 2
- All workers in health care settings
Phase 1B1 – (Tier 1)
- All people 65 years and older
- People 50 years and older who live in multigenerational households
- Cannot live independently and receives support from a relative or home caregiver, or being cared for by someone who works outside the home
- Lives with and cares for a young child, along the lines of a grandparent with a grandchild
- This group does not include an older adult who is able to live independently and is taking care of their kin/children.
Phase 1B2 – (Tier 2)
- High risk critical workers 50 years and older who work in certain congregate settings: Agriculture; food processing; grocery stores; K-12 (teachers and school staff); childcare; corrections, prisons, jails or detention facilities (staff); public transit; fire; law enforcement
Phase 1B3 – (Tier 3)
- People 16 years or older with two or more co-morbidities or underlying conditions
Phase 1B4 – (Tier 4)
- High-risk critical workers in certain congregate settings under 50 years
- People, staff and volunteers all ages in congregate living settings:
- Correctional facilities; group homes for people with disabilities; people experiencing homelessness that live in or access services in congregate settings
The Washington State COVID-19 Vaccination Plan from the Department of Health provides additional information.
Although we will start to see the vaccine being distributed in Washington by mid-December, this will only start with a select group of individuals who face the most risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus. It will be many months before this vaccine is widely available to the general public.