Over the past several weeks we have been monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in Washington and adhering to the guidance of the CDC and local health officials regarding how to best prevent the spread of coronavirus and prepare for it to enter our region.
Now that a case has been confirmed in the South Sound we are taking additional steps to ensure the health and safety of our participants, members and staff. This includes planning for the closure of programs and facilities throughout our service area.
Winter Youth Sports
Due to the cancellation of afterschool activities in our schools, we are cancelling all YMCA practices and games starting tonight, Thursday, March 12th at all facilities. There will be NO games this Saturday. We will not make up this final game. Currently our Spring Youth Sports season has not been impacted and we are planning on moving forward as planned. Full refunds will be issued if the program is canceled prior to the beginning of the season.
Y Care
We are working closely with our school district and community partners to plan for emergency care in the event that schools close in our area. Depending on the specific scenario, solutions for families may include providing care at school facilities or community organizations such as churches and our YMCA. Access to care may be limited and will be offered first to our current Y Care families and healthcare providers/first responders in our area. It is likely that there will be a 1-3 day gap in service between the first day of school closures and the beginning of emergency care. Please plan accordingly.
We are working closely with our school district and community partners to plan for emergency care in the event that schools close in our area. Depending on the specific scenario, solutions for families may include providing care at school facilities or community organizations such as churches and our YMCA. Access to care may be limited and will be offered first to our current Y Care families and healthcare providers/first responders in our area. It is likely that there will be a 1-3 day gap in service between the first day of school closures and the beginning of emergency care. Please plan accordingly.
Specific information regarding registration and pricing for emergency care will be available when school closures are announced.
YMCA Facilities and Programs
We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and Washington State Department of Health and will close facilities and cancel programs as advised to do so.
We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and Washington State Department of Health and will close facilities and cancel programs as advised to do so.
At this time all South Sound YMCA branches are open and operating normal business hours. We are undertaking additional cleaning and disinfecting procedures throughout the day in high use areas.
Additional reasons for program or facility closure may arise as we continue to monitor the impact of this outbreak on our community and YMCA operations. If, at any time, we believe that these impacts prevent us from operating safe programming, we will cancel programs until we are confident in our ability to safely serve our community.
We will communicate all closures as soon as possible via our website, social media, member emails, and an announcement on our mobile app.
We can all do our part to prevent the spread of illness in our community. You can help us by staying home if you’re feeling sick, keeping kids home if they’re showing any symptoms of illness, and cleaning exercise equipment before and after every use. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure and include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Prepare your Household
Visit the CDC’s website to learn ways you can prepare for when COVID-19 cases are confirmed in our area.
Visit the CDC’s website to learn ways you can prepare for when COVID-19 cases are confirmed in our area.
For Parents
In the event that cases of COVID-19 are confirmed in our area, local health officials may recommend that schools and childcare sites be temporarily closed to prevent the spread of the illness. Please make plans for childcare in the event that closures take place.
In the event that cases of COVID-19 are confirmed in our area, local health officials may recommend that schools and childcare sites be temporarily closed to prevent the spread of the illness. Please make plans for childcare in the event that closures take place.
CDC Recommendations
The CDC recommends everyday preventative actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases including:
The CDC recommends everyday preventative actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases including:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surface
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
Get the most up to date information on COVID-19 and stay informed regarding the impact on local schools by visiting the following resources:
State / National Information Resources
- Center for Disease Control
- World Health Organization – Coronavirus Overview
- Washington State Department of Health – 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
- Social Distancing and Quarantine: What you need to know
Local School Districts