Instructor Spotlight: Vicki Hohner - South Sound YMCA

Instructor Spotlight: Vicki Hohner

Vicki was born in St. Louis, MO, spent her late childhood/early teens in remote Alaskan villages, went to high school in a small South Texas town on the Mexican border, and came to Washington to go to college at WSU. Vicki found fitness after starting her first desk job after graduating and watching how quickly the pounds could creep on. After several years as a fitness student, she became an instructor while in graduate school and has now been teaching for over 35 years.

She has taught a wide variety of classes over her career, such as step and floor aerobics, high intensity interval (HIIT) and circuit training, toning and weight training, yoga and core, and classes for seniors and those with special health considerations. She has also been an instructor trainer, a personal trainer, a bodybuilding competitor, and a presenter at fitness conferences. Outside of teaching fitness classes, Vicki works as a consultant for government health information systems, data and technology, and with digital privacy and security. She has spent many years working in public health, which helps inform her knowledge of health and wellness topics and current health research.

Vicki finds the power of movement to be key to life and health and enjoys being an example of how exercise can keep you energetic, healthy, and active as you grow older. Her goals: exercise should be safe, effective, and FUN, and she loves to help people find strength and joy through movement. She has been with the South Sound YMCA for over 30 years, and currently teaches several Les Mills programs: BodyPump, BodyBalance, BodyAttack and Core.

Vicki’s classes take place at Plum Street YMCA!

  • BodyFlow – Mondays and Fridays at 9am
  • BodyPump – Tuesdays at 8:15am, and Thursdays at 12pm
  • BodyAttack – Tuesdays at 12pm