healthy Archives - South Sound YMCA

By Lesli Baker

Fall has arrived, and with it Halloween – the time of year when we seem to be surrounded by sweet treats and candy. Even just entering the grocery store we are bombarded with sales techniques to temp our taste buds! And while there is nothing wrong with an occasional treat, keeping our hands out of the candy bowl can be a real TRICK!

Here are some ideas for some healthier Halloween options without losing the fun!

Frankenstein Monster Apples

Try cutting a green apple into a wedge, cut out a section, and put some almond butter inside. Add a slice of strawberry for a tongue, sunflower seeds or raisins for the teeth, and candy googly-eyes for extra effect!

Banana Ghosts

  • 4 medium bananas
  • 3/4 bag white chocolate baking chips
  • 16 candy eyes
  • 8 raisins (for the mouth)
  • 8 bamboo skewers
  1. Cut the bananas in half and stick them on a popsicle stick or a bamboo skewer. Make sure not to stick it too far – it’ll poke through the other end of the banana!
  2. Place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and place in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  3. Melt white chocolate (I like to use white chocolate baking chips) in the microwave for about 1 minute, or until melted. Dunk bananas in the melted chocolate and use a knife to spread around the chocolate on the entire banana.
  4. Before the chocolate hardens, place the candy eyes on the banana and the raisin for the mouth. Or drizzle a little chocolate on the bottom so it acts as glue for you to be able to stick it on!
  5. Plop a raisin on for a howling ghost mouth!

Instead of Candy as a Treat…

Another healthy Halloween option that I like especially for Trick-Or Treaters. Instead of bags of candy, I head to the Dollar Store and pick up Halloween-themed party favors! Pencils, erasers, plastic eyeballs, bugs, and spider rings! Always fun and never fails to prevent falling victim to a trick!