Exercise late in life can help you live longer
Steve Messman, one of our YMCA personal trainers, has always said in many of his videos and to all of his personal training clients: “It doesn’t make any difference how old we are. It doesn’t make any difference what condition we are in. We can all start somewhere, and we can all get stronger.” The Active Grandparent Hypothesis bears that out. We human beings were made to be active. We were made to be active well into our old age. We need to be as active as possible in order to live longer and healthier lives.
Judy is 80 years old. But guess what! She is definitely not ready to quit. Judy knows that a person can be active at any age; a person can be healthy at any age. Exercise, regardless of what you are able to do, is essential to a person’s well-being. Don’t be ashamed that you can’t do twenty pushups or a half dozen pullups. Just know that the best thing you can do is to be consistent in your efforts to get out there and try. Work within your capabilities. Do what you can. Before long, “what you can” becomes more, longer, farther, easier. Judy is living proof. We should all be following her perfect example.
Ready for that change? Contact a personal trainer or nutritionist at your local YMCA.